Call Blocking and Labeling

Call Blocking and Labeling

New call blocking and labeling technologies are unfairly impeding calls from credit and collection professionals and other legal businesses.

Call blocking and labeling technologies are unfairly impeding calls from credit and collection professionals and other legal businesses.

Key Points Regarding Call Blocking & Labeling

  • Overbroad efforts concerning blocking and labeling can create dangerous circumstances where consumers are not getting the information that they want and need.
  • When outbound calling numbers used by legitimate businesses are mislabeled as “fraud” or “spam,” or calls from those numbers are blocked, consumers are harmed because they may not receive lawful calls affecting their health, safety, or financial well-being.
  • While illegal actors, by their very nature, are not concerned with laws governing communications, those operating legally, such as companies in the ARM industry, are following federal consumer protection laws.
  • These calls include, for example, safety alerts, fraud alerts, data security breach notifications, product recall notices, health care and prescription reminders, power outage updates, and other necessary account updates needed to maintain financial health.
  • There must be greater consequences for calls being blocked or mislabeled based on faulty analytics.
  • It is critical for consumers that these calls be completed without delay, and that the caller and call recipients are notified immediately when a call is blocked.

ARM Industry Impact from Call Blocking & Labeling

Over 21% of ARM Study Calls were Blocked 21.3%
Another 25.7% of ARM Study Calls were Labeled
0 %
24.2% of Labeled ARM Study Calls were Mislabled
0 %

Conducted in February of 2020 by Number Sentry, LLC., this study measures the impact of current call blocking and call labeling practices on outbound calls placed from Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) callers. It measures how a typical consumer be presented with such calls using the default settings provided by their voice service provider or app across 20 mobile networks, 4 Cable Telephony providers and on the Top 10 Call Labeling & Blocking apps.

Bottom Line: 21.3% of ARM study calls were blocked and an additional 25.7% were labeled. So for every 1,000,000 ARM calls, 213,000 would be blocked and an additional 257,000 would be labeled. This means 47% or 470,000 ARM calls would be impacted by current blocking and labeling practices.